Starts on February 5th
🚀 3-Week Goal Acceleration Challenge
With a goal mate, tracking, support and motivation
  • Karina Kripak
    When I launched my new business project, I struggled to find support in my local network. But thanks to Goal Mate, everything changed! I'm on track to achieve my financial goals and feeling more empowered than ever.
  • Kasey Goncharova
    Me and my goal mate have been totally crushing it together! We've been holding each other accountable for eating healthy and staying motivated to work out. I've never seen such awesome progress in getting fit so quickly. It's mind-blowing!
  • Vitaly Osovik
    I've learned firsthand that when I look out for other people's careers, it ends up benefiting my own. It's crazy how helping others with their professional goals can actually boost my own career in unexpected ways.
We all have goals.
Let's achieve them.
Let's face it, according to statistics, half of people forget their New Year's resolutions by the end of January. Remember all those big plans you wrote down? Whether it was launching that dream business, hitting financial milestones, finally penning that book, losing a few pounds, or diving into a new language.

Well, you're in luck! With our Goal Mate Challenge based on neuroscience and karmic management, you have the perfect opportunity to reignite those goals.

Join us and supercharge your goal achievement journey!
Just picture the thrill of achieving your goal or reaching a major milestone before the end of the next month. It's not just a possibility; it's within reach.
And the Goal Acceleration Challenge is here to help you.
What the Goal Accelaration Challenge is
  • 3 weeks
    From 5th to 25th of February.
    You will reach your goal (or an important milestone) before the end of the month!
  • 1 goal mate
    Perfectly matched, accourding to your goal and interests for accountability and support
  • 3 masterminds
    To keep motivation, brainstorm ideas, share insights and get a feedback
lose few kilos - start a new project - run a marathon - earn more - pay off the mortgage - find new clients - write a book - speak at TEDex - learn Spanish - do yoga - improve relationship - create community - networking - build a personal brand - eat healthy
Most likely, you've already set goals in your life
that you haven't been able to achieve.
Let's go deeper into the underlying reasons why we often fall short of reaching the desired results.
People fail to reach their goals
because they:
  • Lose motivation
  • Do not have enough support
  • Battle with procrastination and discipline
  • Have fears
  • Have lack of confidence
  • Do not have a clear plan
  • Feel uncertain about where to begin
  • Focus on the wrong actions which don't bring results
  • Set goals that are not aligned with their true aspirations
How many of these resonate with you?
From the other perspective , the root of the problem lies in the perception that:
  • People view the world as an external force impacting them, rather than recognizing that it comes FROM THEM.

  • Consequently, they fail to sow the right seeds and do not manifest the life they truly desire.

So you might wonder, why would it be any different this time?
Let's explore why GoalMate works
Neuroscience and Behavioral Psychology
According to a research from the Association for Talent Development:
  • 10–25%
    1. If you make a conscious decision that you want to achieve something, this increases your chances of success by 10-25%
  • 50%
    2. Having a clear plan of how you're going to achieve it increases your chances further,
    to 50%
  • 68%
    3. If you commit to someone else that you'll do it, and report back to them, there's a 68% chance of success
  • Zig Ziglar
    CEO of LEADx, top salesman, and author of "Great Leaders Have No Rules"
    You can have everything in life you want,
    if you will just help other people get what they want.
  • Michael Roach
    A former Buddhist monk who created a multimillion-dollar company and sold it to Warren Buffett, author of the "Karmic management" book
    Everything is a reflection of the condition of your own heart ... And so looking at the world is like looking in a funny kind of mirror.
How the Challenge will go down
Begins February 5th and concludes on February 25th
1. Set a goal which turns you on
You get a brief form with coaching questions which helps you to identify your real goal and get a boost of motivation
2. Match with a goal mate
Based on your responses, you will be matched with a compatible goal mate who shares a similar goal and interests
3. Help each other 1 hour per week
You will get the instructions on how to communicate to reach the best results
4. One action to make it work
You will get a 2-minute-per-day task to guide you along your journey. This crucial step is often missed by people who help others but still fail to achieve the desired results
5. Keep tracking and motivation (optional)
Weekly Zoom masterminds (on Fridays) to stay motivated and track your progress with a GoalMate system
6. Achieve your goal
(or an important milestone)
in just 3 weeks!
Don't forget to celebrate and reward yourself!

All the engagement will take place within our private Facebook group and messenger. You will receive the link in your email, during 24 hours after the registration.

It will serve as a dedicated space for you to connect with your goal mate and fellow participants, allowing you to share your experiences and insights throughout the journey. Also all the instructions and tips will be posted there.

You will have a lifetime access to the group after the Sprint.

Choose the perfect participation option for you:
Access to pre-start coaching tasks to determine your goal for the Challenge

Daily dose of motivation
Goal Mate
Access to pre-start coaching tasks to determine your goal for the Challenge

Daily dose of motivation

The perfect GOAL MATE, with similar goals and interests!

Instructions on how to make interaction effective
Dream Team
Access to pre-start coaching tasks to determine your goal for the Challenge

Daily dose of motivation

The perfect GOAL MATE, with similar goals and interests!

Instructions on how to make interaction effective

3 weekly masterminds - for brainstorming, finding new solutions, and exchanging experiences

Weekly neurotasks to increase efficiency and focus
  • Karina Kripak
    GoalMate Founder
    I have personally applied a GoalMate Method successfully in my own life on numerous occasions. It's amazing how it works! However, I discovered that finding someone within my immediate circle who shares similar goals and aligns with your aspirations is not easy.

    That's why I came up with the idea of creating an app specifically designed to facilitate joint goal achievement based on neuroscience and karmic management. This Sprint is the MVP for a GoalMate app. And participating in the Sprint (while achieving your goals) you are also helping us to develop the application.
    Thank you! :)
  • Gleb Zavalov
    GoalMate Founder
    Implementing numerous goals, I've come to realize that achieving them is always easier when there's someone walking alongside you. Mutual assistance and support are no less important than motivation and the drive to succeed.

    By helping others, we create good/noble imprints that will yield positive results in the future like the sprouting of seeds. And most importantly, remember that the path and the actions taken on it are the foundation, not the result.

    Your duty is to do what you must; Let the outcome not concern you; Do your duty: not for its results, But because it's necessary.