The GoalMate method empowers you to pursue and achieve goals in any area of life. However, we've chosen to make a financial challenge because money plays a crucial role in the most of other goals and it's easily measurable. Measuring happiness or health is more complex.
Join the challenge
Starts on August 15th
in one month
The first MINDFUL financial challenge
using neuroscience and eastern spirituality
We all have goals.
Let's achieve them.
Have you ever thought about increasing your income to:

  • effortlessly meet your mortgage payments,
  • choose only high-quality products or services that align with your values,
  • indulge in frequent travels,
  • explore the most exquisite retreats across the globe,
  • make a positive impact in the worlds while being generously rewarded,
  • buy a brand-new Tesla,
  • enroll in top-notch courses and prestigious programs,
  • treat yourself and your loved ones with gifts
  • and tackle bills without a hint of worry?

Whether it is the GoalMate method can get you there faster and more effortlessly.
How the GoalMate Method works
Level 1. Neuroscience and behavioral psychology
According to a study from the Association for Talent Development:
  • 10–25%
    If you make a conscious decision that you want to achieve something, this increases your chances of success by 10-25%
  • 50%
    Having a clear plan of how you're going to achieve it increases your chances further,
    to 50%
  • 68%
    If you commit to someone else that you'll do it, and report back to them, there's a 68% chance of success
So having an inspiring goal, a clear plan and a goal buddy increases your chances to succeed up to 68%! Not bad.

Now let's go deeper.

  • Zig Ziglar
    CEO of LEADx, top salesman, and author of "Great Leaders Have No Rules"
    You can have everything in life you want,
    if you will just help other people get what they want.
  • Michael Roach
    A former Buddhist monk who created a multimillion-dollar company and sold it to Warren Buffett
    Everything is a reflection of the condition of your own heart ... And so looking at the world is like looking in a funny kind of mirror.
Level 2. Eastern Spirituality
Karma teaches: Everything that happens to me comes from ME.

It means that to see the desired results in your life you need to sow the seeds of these events first. You know, you can't just plant a palm tree and expect it to grow into an oak tree, right?

Everything in life involves other people. And to sow the seeds of your desired outcomes you also need another person.

When you are helping somebody who has a similar goal in achieving it, you create the seeds of these outcomes in your life.
The GoalMate combines these two approaches to help you reach your goals and live a meaningful life you've always wanted.
Set a goal which turns you on
You get a brief form with coaching questions which helps you to identify your real goal and get a boost of motivation
Match with a goal mate
Based on your responses, you will be matched with a compatible goal mate who shares a similar goal and interests
Help each other 1 hour per week
You will get the instructions on how to communicate to reach the best results
One action to make it work
You get a 2-minute-per-day task to guide you along your journey. This crucial step is often missed by people who help others but still fail to achieve the desired results
Keep tracking and motivaion
Optional: Weekly Zoom calls to stay motivated and track your progress with a GoalMate system
Achieve your goal
Don't forget to celebrate!
All the engagement will take place within our private Facebook group and messenger. It will serve as a dedicated space for you to connect with your goal mate and fellow participants, allowing you to share your experiences and insights throughout the journey.
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