You are awesome! Thank you for your interest in joining the beta version of our app. We'll make sure to send you an email with access as soon as it's ready.
Meanwhile, we'd like to share the concept
behind the GoalMate with you
  • Fun
    We really want you to enjoy the journey towards achieving your goals, not just the end result. To make it fun like a game. To help you overcome any obstacles like fear, procrastination, and uncertainty.
  • Connection
    Goal mates are more than mere accountability partners. Our goal is to foster meaningful connections between individuals, allowing them to communicate, brainstorm, and support each other. This is a case where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and 1+1=11
  • Inspiration
    We aim to inspire you to shoot for the stars, to set goals in various aspects of your live, and living the life you've always dreamed of. We want to show you the great potential you possess!